Last night saw we had the monthly meeting of the writers of fiction for women, a group that continues to grow.
It was a good, fun evening. Everyone is very friendly, and very keen to see their fellow writers succeed. Recommendations for books that will improve our writing were given freely. Ideas for markets were passed one to another.
The criticism given by other members of the group is constructive, gentle yet effective, and all the stories are very enjoyable. In fact, so much so that people have complained that they want to hear more than the four pages we said each could read at a meeting! We want whole chapters at a time.
To this end, we have changed the format of our meetings. Now, instead of each bringing along work to read, we will give a copy of the latest piece to all group members beforehand and then the members can come armed with their thoughts and suggestions for improvement. This will have the added bonus that we can comment on the writing techniques as well as the plot, character and turn of phrase.
Knowing we need to provide a chapter beforehand should also encourage some of us to do more writing in future than we have in the past. Motivation is a wonderful thing.
Forty years ago, when the first workshops of the TWDWC began, this strategy wouldonly have been possible if we'd made several copies and physically taken them to the group members. These days, email means we can send them instantly and without needing extra petrol or shoe leather, or even stamps, envelope and paper. The modern world is a great place to be.
If your writing is aimed at a readership made up mostly of women, why don't you join us? You can find out more by contacting the Circle's chairman, Hilary at
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