Just a few notices that might interest you.
Christchurch Writers competition October 2010.
Article 800 words maximum
Poetry 40 lines maximum
Short Story 2,500 words maximum
One Act Radio Play 20 minutes duration
The Quill Poem 20 Lines Maximum.
£3.50 per item.
Closing date 8th October 2010.
All entries should be typewritten. No Name or identification marks must be put on the entries but a entry form must be completed. Queries to Competition Secretary 01425 274804
Legend Writing Awards 2010.
Open theme short stories
2000 words max
!st prize £500. 2nd £250 3rd £100 and 2x £50.
Young Writing Awards for 15 - 17 yrs olds.
£50, £30, £20
Entry £7.00 first, £5 subsequent. £3 under 18s
Falsh fiction 100 words exactly (excluding title)
!st £50 2nd £30 3rd £20 3 x £10.
Entry £3.
Anthology of last year's winning entries £4.25.
Closing date 31st August 2010
Rules and Entry form essential www.legendwritingaward.co.uk
or SAE to LWA, 39 Emmanuel Rd, Hastings, TN34 3LB